Mesothelioma Diagnosis and Treatment Options

by Elena

Diagnosis of Mesothelioma
As mesothelioma is termed as the form of a lung cancer, it is difficult to diagnose and recognize it. Instead, the diagnosis starts with the complete medical tests and physical examinations for mesothelioma patients. The various medical tests and physical examinations include:
• X-ray • Computed Tomography Scan • Magnetic Resonance Imaging • Positron Emission Tomography • Biopsy • Thoracoscopy • Peritoneoscopy

Treatment of Mesothelioma
The malignant mesothelioma would not be healed completely, instead the growth of the mesothelioma cancer will be reduced by some traditional and alternative treatment methods once it is discovered at an early stage, so that the patients' quality of life would be improved. Traditional mesothelioma treatment includes surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and palliative treatments. Alternative treatments are nothing but the advanced and enhanced version of traditional treatment which includes immunotherapy, photodynamic therapy, intensity modulated radiation therapy, gene therapy, alternative therapies like acupuncture, homeopathy, herbs and massage, etc.

Vitamin C: Opt for Cancer Treatment
An alternative treatment for cancer is injecting Vitamin C in to the body. Researchers found that Vitamin C is an opt solution for the cancer treatment. It will help in preventing the growth of the cancer. But excessive intake of Vitamin C would cause harm to the human body. Hence the doctors advised the patients to continue a well-balanced diet that has Vitamin C and not to take supplemental Vitamin C. Better to take multivitamin food rather than intake of much Vitamin C content.